ACHETER-LOUER.FR Aims for the Digitalization of the Plans of the City of Science and Industry

The ACHETER-LOUER.FR group, through its subsidiary TRIDISPHERE.FR, was selected to digitize the plans of the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in 2D. This mission is part of a project led by Iron Mountain and ActivBold, following a call for tenders from UNIVERSCIENCE in October 2023. It concerns the digitization and management of the heritage archives of this emblematic place.

The combined activities of the three companies will enable efficient processing and securing of documents. ACHETER-LOUER.FR will be particularly responsible for converting the architect's plans into 2D. This new contract highlights TRIDISPHERE.FR's expertise in 2D/3D imaging and confirms the company's expansion strategy in the sector of digital and data solutions for real estate.

R. H.

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