sur Hardman & Co Research (isin : GB00BYYW9G87)

Accesso Technology Group: Revenue Growth Expected to Accelerate

Hardman & Co Research has released an update on Accesso Technology Group, anticipating a significant acceleration in revenue growth. In January, Accesso reported $152 million in revenue, surpassing the forecast of $150 million, alongside a cash EBITDA margin of approximately 15%, exceeding the 13.2% projection. Despite maintaining fiscal year 2025 and 2026 forecasts conservatively, the research highlights the potential for revenue growth.

Accesso, a prominent name in the growth technology sector, is expected to see its revenues increase from 6% in FY25E to high single digits as the company focuses on high-margin transactional earnings. Currently, shares are trading at around 13 times FY26E earnings, indicating a potentially attractive investment opportunity.

R. P.

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