sur ESTAVIS AG (isin : DE000A0KFKB3)

ACCENTRO and Bondholders Agree on Bridge Notes Extension

In a significant development, ACCENTRO Real Estate AG and a group of bondholders have agreed on important financial measures amid ongoing restructuring negotiations. They consented to extend the current bridge notes until June 30, 2025, along with an additional bridge funding of up to EUR 21 million. This aims to meet ACCENTRO's liquidity needs and facilitate negotiations led by the Ad Hoc Group.

The Ad Hoc Group, holding major portions of the 2020/2026 and 2021/2029 bonds, can terminate the funding if stakeholders don't reach an agreeable solution by February 3, 2025. These discussions are grounded on previously announced assumptions, though some financial expectations may be revised.

ACCENTRO indicates that debt and equity restructuring remains central to negotiations, as initially disclosed in August 2024. The restructuring's legal and economic framework is still under negotiation.

R. P.

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