sur AAA Distributor

AAA Distributor Unveils New Website and Brand Identity

AAA Distributor, one of the largest U.S. distributors of flooring, kitchen, and bath products, has launched a redesigned website and refreshed brand identity. This initiative marks a significant shift towards online expansion, emphasizing a contemporary look and forward-thinking approach.

Michael Neal, President of AAA Distributor, emphasized that the updates aim to enhance customer experience. The new site,, boasts a user-friendly interface with advanced search and filtering options, a comprehensive product catalog, and high-quality images and customer reviews.

Customers can now request free 3D design services online, access expert advice, and find how-to guides. The website’s responsive design ensures accessibility on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Neal highlighted that the brand refresh illustrates AAA Distributor's commitment to industry leadership.

The rebranding extends to a new logo and visual elements, creating consistency across marketing materials, social platforms, and store locations. The effort aims to reflect the company's growth and innovative direction. For over 15 years, AAA Distributor has provided top-quality products and exceptional service.

R. H.

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