sur 4biddenknowlege Media Group
4BiddenKnowledge's "The Epic of Humanity: Special Edition" Tops Amazon's Encyclopedias Bestseller List
4BiddenKnowledge Media Group announced that "The Epic of Humanity: Special Edition," authored by Billy Carson and Matthew LaCroix, has achieved the number one position on Amazon's Encyclopedias Bestseller List. This milestone is a testament to the book's comprehensive exploration of human history and consciousness evolution.
Billy Carson, co-author and founder of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc., expressed his gratitude for the global readership's support, highlighting the book's focus on uncovering the foundational aspects of our future through the study of our past. Matthew LaCroix, the book's co-author, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the public's appetite for revisiting humanity's ancient history and mysteries.
"The Epic of Humanity: Special Edition" offers readers an in-depth look into human origins, ancient civilizations, and historical catastrophes. Carson, also known for his roles in various educational and broadcasting platforms, together with LaCroix, an avid researcher and writer, combine their expertises to provide a unique perspective on mankind's story.
The book's success on Amazon reinforces 4BiddenKnowledge's dedication to providing insightful content that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages exploration into the rich tapestry of human existence.
R. P.
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