sur 01 Communique Laboratory, Inc. (isin : CA67088Q1063)

01 Communique to Announce Q4 2024 Results and Hold Conference Call

01 Communique Laboratory Inc., a cybersecurity pioneer in the quantum computing realm, will reveal its fourth-quarter 2024 financial results on January 23, 2025. The results, which cover the period ending October 31, 2024, will be published before the market opens. Investors and stakeholders are invited to a live conference at 10:00 AM EST on January 23 to discuss these results and future prospects of their IronCAP™ and IronCAP X™ product lines.

This announcement comes as the company continues to focus on post-quantum cybersecurity solutions. Interested parties can join the webinar using the provided Zoom link or dial-in numbers for participation. The conference aims to provide insights into the company's performance and its strategic roadmap in the domain of cybersecurity technology.

R. P.

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