sur 01 Communique Laboratory, Inc. (isin : CA67088Q1063)
01 Communique Enters Market Making Agreement with Integral Wealth
01 Communique Laboratory Inc., a pioneer in enterprise-level cybersecurity for the quantum computing era, has announced a market making agreement with Integral Wealth Securities. This agreement, effective from January 30, 2025, is designed to maintain a reasonable market for the company's shares and enhance liquidity. Set for an initial term of three months, it includes automatic one-month renewals unless terminated with a 30-day notice. The company will remunerate Integral with a monthly fee of C$6,500 plus HST. There are no performance-related conditions or security-based compensations involved, and the agreement is pending approval from the TSX Venture Exchange.
Integral, an independent entity from 01 Communique, may invest in the company's securities. It will manage its own expenses related to trading the company's shares, with no external funding involved in these activities.
R. E.
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